Henry Cowgill Farm & Rt. 10 Agricultural Landscape

This flat, open landscape retains much of its character from the mid-19th century. The Cowgills were prominent Delaware Quaker farmers. Family tradition states that Henry Cowgill and his wife assisted freedom seekers by providing them with food, rest and clothing before they moved on. Henry Cowgill passed down a pocket piece issued by the American Anti Slavery Society in 1840. The inscription reads:  

“The Society was founded in 1833 by reformers William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur and Lewis Tappan.  All men are created equal.  Our members shall be such only as the opposition of moral purity to moral corruption, the destruction of error by the potency of truth, the overthrow of prejudice by the power of love and the abolition of slavery by the spirit of repentance. Our object is the peaceful, speedy and total abolition of slavery.”

None of the buildings of the farm survive on site, an active agricultural field.

Henry Cowgill Farm & Rt. 10 Agricultural Landscape Gallery