Camden Historic District

Kent County

The Camden Historic District is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, with many of the structures dating to the late 18th and 19th centuries. This community was a stronghold of anti-slavery sentiment dating back to the founding of the town when it was known as Mifflin’s Crossroads, after owners and abolitionist brothers, Warner and Daniel Mifflin, in the late 18th century. Warner Mifflin set precedent in 1774 by manumitting the 21 people he had enslaved, and this encouraged other Quakers to follow. The strong Quaker community centered on Camden Friends Meeting, and included other active abolitionists, such as the Hunn, Jenkins and Cowgill families. In the 19th century, some of the free Black residents of Camden were also property owners. Among them were the Gibbs family, brick makers and masons who constructed numerous buildings here and in Dover, including Whatcoat Methodist Episcopal Church. Abel Gibbs was mentioned by Harriet Tubman as a confidant.  Other prominent buildings of the district include the Daniel Mifflin House (c. 1796), and the Cooper House, built by Jabez Jenkins in the late 18th-early 19th century and identified through oral tradition as an Underground Railroad safehouse.

Camden Historic District Gallery